I call myself an Incidental Genius because of those moments in life when a light bulb goes off and I realize I've learned something. Sometimes it's a small discovery, other times it's learning some interestingly useless trivia and occasionally it's a life lesson that can't be ignored.
I'm an educated individual with a college degree but I think the most valuable lessons I've learned in life have come from my persistent attendance at the School Of Hard Knocks. Sometimes you'll never learn anything unless you make a few bonehead mistakes and I have made many. I seem to be one of those people who learn best by experiencing the good, the bad and the ugly then paying the consequences or reaping the rewards. I'm an experiential learner. One of my earliest memories of experiential learning was discovering mud pies are not made of spit and dirt...it tastes awful!
Aristotle once said, "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." How true, at least for me. I was never going to learn how to blog until I just did it. That's the purpose of Incidental Genius. To teach myself the technical end of blogging and to discipline myself to post an entry everyday for an entire year. My personal lesson plan may not seem like much to the young whipper snappers born with a cell phone and laptop in their hands but for me it's a healthy challenge. This type of technology was never a part of my world until my first child was born.
So there you have it. I'm a middle-aged, techie wanna-be with the desire to learn something new everyday.