March 1, 2011

National Pancake Day And The United States Olympic Committee

Oh my Lord. I've been working my ass off since 9:00 this morning and I'm still working. It's another short and sweet post tonight.

I learned tons of things today but the two stupid things I learned is that March 1 is National Pancake Day. IHOP invented the holiday in 2006. I also learned that I have been recognized by the United States Olympic Committee. I had no idea they noticed me! What a surprise to find this in the mail today. Even more of a surprise to notice that my nifty certificate arrived on the first day of March yet it was signed on March 2, 2011. I think Mr. Howard Bach, Badminton was in a hurry when he signed this or he is as bad with time as I am...or, could it be, my official certificate isn't so official after all? Oh my! Then that means I'm not as special as I thought! Ah, who cares. There's better things to think about, like going to bed soon to have dreams of giant pancakes laced with chocolate chips smeared with peanut butter and drenched with syrup. Oh man, I really have to go now. I have work to finish and a delicious dream to dive into.


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