April 29, 2011

Sandals Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

Boy. Did I ever learn a big lesson today. Don't wear sandals to work. I had a little accident today when my exposed toes made contact with a piece of machinery at work this morning. When my little piggies struck the corner of a metal printer on the floor it sent a shock wave through my body and I immediately became concerned. Concerned that I might have scraped my freshly groomed nails and my royal blue polish would be marred. Well, sure enough, one toenail was definitely marred. 

Ha. Marred! That's an understatement. My poor, poor toenail was ripped up like the hood on a car. Holy shit that hurt! I can't believe it, the first day I wear sandals this Spring and I manage to fuck up my foot. And of all days to have a ripped toenail, the day of the Mother Artists at Work: Laboring exhibit opening

I couldn't let an injured toe stop me today. I just had to suck it up and be a soldier like my dad would tell me when I was a kid. I tapped in to my mind-over-matter super hero powers, practiced some lamaze breathing, covered the wound with a Hello Kitty bandage, slipped on socks to absorb the blood and limped to my big opening after leaving work early. 

A beautiful exhibit and wonderful friends distracted me from the throbbing ache and blood moistened sock but by the end of the day, I couldn't wait to get home and take care of my 'marred' nail. After cleaning it and applying a new bandage I popped a vicodin and called it a day. I have no idea what to expect tomorrow or what to do with my injury but for now I'm just going to enjoy feeling comfortably numb and get a good nights rest. 


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