April 27, 2011

Violence vs. Dickless --- Violence Wins

Mission accomplished! My evil, family unfriendly piece of art has been replaced with a family friendlier piece for the Mother Artists at Work: Laboring exhibition

Much better. What the hell was I thinking in the first place...submitting a piece of art with the word Dickless? How did I not know that the general public would be offended by such work? I'm so stupid. Of course a piece depicting a man being burned in the face with an iron is WAY more family friendly. Well, now I know, society likes violent humor more than sans dick humor. This would explain why America's Funniest Videos is still on the air. People LOVE watching small children and the elderly fall and seeing a head injury in the making. Well, I'm just happy I was able to replace my offensive piece with a kinder, gentler piece today. The gallery has been very nice and I totally appreciate the way they have handled everything. I'm really not bitching, I'm just sharing my uncensored opinions and laughing about this whole thing. It amuses me.

So to end this evening's blog I have a special treat...Dickless. : by Fluffee Talks. I think Fluffee is a rising star so sit back and enjoy!



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