May 22, 2011

Bandage On Nail - Genius

Finally, a beautiful day filled with sunshine and warmth. Perfect day to wear sandals! Oh wait, I can't wear sandals and feel comfortable exposing the disgusting grossness of my mangled toe...the one that was broken and had the nail ripped partially off. Sure, I can just cover it up with a band-aid but that looks stupid when the rest of my toes have deep blue nail polish on them. 

If I was just putzing around the house it wouldn't be a big deal. My family is used to seeing me look disgustingly gross but this evening I had an actual social outing to go to. That's a big deal for me because this was an outing that didn't involve a school performance, teacher parent conference, a business meeting, organization meeting, art whore networking, or participating in a market research study. Tonight's event was just for fun with fun people and I wanted to wear sandals and not have stupid or gory feet. What to do...what to do?

Ding-ding-ding-ding! The light bulb went off and I came up with a solution!

That's my new invention - Bandage On Nail. It's like Press On Nails but it's a band-aid with polish on it. Genius! 

Oh, and for the record. My toes used to be pretty straight until the accident. I think my injured toe is permanently bent to the right. Guess that's what happens when you break a toe.

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