May 3, 2011

Finding Uranus Made Me Smile

All I can say is, it wasn't the shittiest of days but it wasn't shitless either. It was a moderately shitty day. If Homeland Security had a color coded advisory system for shitty days, today would have been code orange on the shit-o-meter. 

I've got too much shit going down around me and what pisses me off the most, very little of it is MY shit! As soon as I'm done cleaning up everybody else's piles of steaming shit I'm going to take a dump in their bucket of shit and throw it in their front lawns. Oh my. I better stop my rant before I expose how I really feel. It's not pretty so I better just calm down and try to focus on something positive.

Hmmm, something positive. Let's see, what was something positive that happened to me today? Could it be the rain? The rain that makes my neighbors' flowers grow? No, not the rain, the fucking rain only makes my weeds grow and turn my basement floor into mud.

I'll try this again. Something positive...OH! I know! I found Uranus!!! Look! It's right there.

This is our family's Uranus and it disappeared for a while. Just the other day I thought to myself, "I wonder where Uranus is"? Uranus is a three inch plastic ball that came with a kid's meal four years ago at Checker's Drive-In Restaurant. Yum-yum, what kid doesn't love gobbling up a tasty burger & fries with Uranus sitting right next to it? I wonder if they were handing out the rest of the solar system or was Uranus such a whopping bulk order deal they opted for a one planet giveaway?

I did it! I found something positive about today. I rediscovered Uranus! And now that I think about it, Uranus made me smile and allowed me to let go of some shit. Ah, I feel much better.       


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