May 17, 2011

A Potpourri Of Events

A potpourri of events took place today. It started with a fight between me and my new bra. The damn thing was being difficult this morning but after 5 minutes of struggling with the hooks I declared myself the winner (but a few minutes ago, the bra had the last laugh when I discovered I had been wearing it inside out all day). After my under garment feud I managed to get to work a whole half hour early and the boy dropped off at school a whole 35 minutes early! And we did it in morning traffic and a downpour. 

Work was a bit quiet today but it was still an enjoyable time with my lovely coworkers. I got lots done and was even able to take a long lunch to be a market research whore. The gig? A paid one hour taste test and focus group discussion on 'clean' milk. This milk is organic milk from clean cows...cows who stand out in their fields and say no to drugs. I got to my appointment 15 minutes early, waited another 5 minutes, then was informed I wasn't needed as they gave me a check and said goodbye. Woo-hoo! That's always a treat. Market research whores LOVE when this happens. You get paid the same amount as spending an hour doing it. So I grabbed my $$ and skipped back to the van. 

On my way back to work I went past my favorite bakery and decided to turn around and make a visit. After some of the shit that's gone down I decided I deserved a treat; a croissant sandwich and a dozen gourmet buckeyes to go. The sandwich was ALL mine, the buckeyes were for me and my lovely coworkers. On a gloomy gray day filled with nonstop rain, nothing lifts your spirits more than sharing a special treat with people you really dig.

All was well today until I got home to find an email from the sibling I've tried to emotionally detach myself from. Information was shared and that information made me want to hurl my buckeyes. Soon after feeling ill I then wanted to hit something, or break something, or let out a primal scream. I finally just gave myself some time to feel my emotions even though I said I wasn't going to feel any emotions but that's almost impossible to do. I'm better now. I'm feeling a tad grounded and ready to get my left brain geared up for some logical thinking. With the help of this online article I know what I have to a loving bitch who dares to point out the elephant in the room and what happens from there is out of my control. 


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