June 12, 2011

Reshuffled Priorities

Well, that was quite a pause now wasn't it? Two weeks of no blogging. I didn't even say, "catch ya later" or "I'll be back in a few". I just disappeared. Sometimes other things happen in life. Some great things, some shitty things, and some really, really shitty things. Some things just happen and when lots and lots of things happen all at the same time you have to step back, scratch your head, mumble, "What the fuck?", and set some priorities. That's what happened to me...I had to reshuffle my priorities and blogging every night wasn't on the top of my list. I wanted to blog. I really did! 

In a nut shell, here are some adventures I had over the last two weeks:

  • Ceiling fell in (It was loud - thought it was a break-in, thank God it wasn't) 
  • Planted Calli Lilies that a friend surprised me with :)
  • Said a goodbye to another wonderful co-worker (snif-snif)
  • Was defriended by my sibling on facebook (whatever, now I only have 1100 more friends than him -- na-na-na-na-boo-boo)
  • Looking for a new place to live
  • Found the perfect place to live
  • Still waiting to hear if we got the perfect place to live
  • Packing
  • Cleaning
  • Living in a hot house...a really hot house
  • Fixed a broken printer
  • Dealt with an angry computer that didn't like the really hot house either
  • Got another freelance gig teaching art to Senior Citizens (I LOVE old people!)
  • Fell in love with the landlord of the perfect house we want to live in (he's old and I want to adopt him)
  • Childhood home in contract (I dance for joy and take breaks to wipe a tear or two...goodbye home)
  • Bought gas for $1.86 per gallon (that made my nipples hard!)

That's all I'll share for now. 

I might be back tomorrow or I might not. It's not that I don't want to write my rambling commentaries but there's shit to do folks! I have 17 years of stuff to pitch or pack!!!!