February 7, 2011

Banksy Spoke To Me Today

Banksy's exhibit in Barely Legal - 2006 Los Angeles
The picture above is an image of Banksy's graffiti art applied to walls and a live elephant in the 2006 Barely Legal exhibit in L.A.. I had no idea he had painted an elephant. This totally rocks!

Ah, the elephant in the room. See the person on the couch? The one reading a book, totally ignoring the creature painted like the wallpaper. That person was me until today. 

Banksy's exhibit in Barely Legal - 2006 Los Angeles
Notice something different? Looks like the elephant got noticed. I assume the person on the couch stopped ignoring the elephant in the room and decided to take action, like get the hell outta there.

These images speak a thousands words, especially to me, especially today. I do believe the elephant in the room, or should I say, the elephant in one of the corners of my world has been addressed. It's been a long time coming. I can't say it feels great but I can't say it feels awful either. It actually feels like a zit's been popped. You know, that feeling of pain as you add pressure to the problem then the quick zing you feel when it pops. Then you clean up the mess, feel some relief and move forward hoping the problem doesn't get infected and wind up a bigger zit...or elephant. 

There are things in life that are difficult and being brutally honest is one of them sometimes. Although I'm one who openly admits to calling people shitheads, assholes and dickweeds I'm actually a pretty nice person and I always say these things with a smile on my face. But having to address an elephant in the room isn't as easy as calling somebody a "playful" name. It's down right hard.

I've been standing at a crossroad with this big ass elephant smack dab in the middle of it for way too long. The time has come to tell the beast to get the fuck out of the way. -- ZING! Oh that feels better.

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