May 25, 2011

Prehensile Erectilesaurise: A Hand Contortion Of An Aroused Monster

I learned the coolest thing ever today. A super cool hand trick thingy bob. I guess it's more like a hand contortion. Thanks to one of my lovely coworkers at my acting job I learned how to do this!

Pretty cool right? I'm so glad another lovely coworker was armed and ready with her nifty cell phone to take a shot before I untangled my hands. She was on her toes when she suggested, "Blog!" Thanks lovely coworkers!!!

So can you see it? The creature? It has red eyes, a snout, a mouth, and a tongue but my creature's tongue is drooping and may be interpreted as a different creature feature. You know, that feature male creatures have. I don't know much about this particular species but it almost looks like my creature could be slightly aroused. 

In case you don't see the well hung creature above I made a more pictorial image of the monster. Maybe this will help...

 There's my super scary Prehensile Erectilesaurise. Watch out!!! 

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