January 2, 2011

A couple lessons learned

This last day of Christmas break was an uneventful one. I didn't learn a whole heck of a lot but I did learn that my new underwear has a conflict with my ass. The conflict started after getting out of the van to run into the store to buy the fix-in's for our good-luck pork and kraut New Year's dinner. I know, a day late with the tradition but sometimes that's how we roll.

So I run out to fetch us some grub and as soon as I slid out of the van it happened...my underwear became a spelunker. Not much could be done as I was in a hurry to bring home a pork roast and sauerkraut so retrieving the new underwear from its warm cozy place had to wait. I was on a mission. A family needed fed. I endured the discomfort, found my roast, didn't find any kraut but did find a great deal on 36 rolls of toilet paper. By the time I got home I felt something like this...

I guess I did learn a few things today. Always test drive new underwear before leaving the house and don't try to buy sauerkraut on January 2nd.


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