January 16, 2011

Will Orb Be The Answer To My Weeds Addiction?

Our Po' Man Cable is a digital converter box with an antenna attached to pick up a whopping nine channels. Out of the nine channels one is a weather channel with infomercials that air from time to time...not a channel we choose to watch too often. Then there's the Jesus Channel also known as the Trinity Broadcast Network. This is another we don't watch often unless an animal show comes on or a classic Jesus movie is aired. So actually, we really only have seven channels for our entertainment.

Last night I searched the internet for episodes of Weeds, hoping to find Season 6. I found the latest season with all the episodes to date and I was thrilled. I began watching episode one on the monitor and thought, there had to be a better way. So I fired up the Wii. I was able to figure out how to search YouTube videos of Weeds but the process seemed way too complicated. 

Well, today was my lucky day! I think I found a solution to my Weeds desire. I found Orb! Orb streams anything you can watch or listen to on the web through your game system then into your TV. It's magic! I'm downloading it as I write this.

That's the best thing I learned today and my Orb learning hasn't ended. After writing this I have some configuring to do then hopefully I can sit back and enjoy season 6 episode 2 of Weeds.

Wish me luck. I've got a Weeds addiction to tend to.

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