February 24, 2011

It's Your Burr, Keep It

I don't know if it's cabin fever, cold, gray winter days, or crazy cosmic forces but there seems to be a lot of people having some downer days lately. There's lots of angry people with big thorny burrs up their asses. It's not just my world of adults, it's happening in my kids' lives at school. 

My daughter reports that her school is full of negative energy these days. We've had some heart to heart talks lately and in a strange way we feel comforted that the bad energy seems to be everywhere, not just our own personal surroundings but we wish it didn't exist. I'm proud of my girl for recognizing the types of energy that humans can send out into the world and knowing that the negative energy she has been feeling isn't directed at her, it's just a strange force in the air these days. 

I gave my girl some advice tonight. I told her she could be the person at school who starts shifting the energy in a better direction by doing some of the simplest things. Sometimes, when you're surrounded by people with big ass burrs up their butts and a black cloud of anger and doom hovering over them you just have to exit their circle of ugly. It's simple...just walk away. You don't have to say anything, you don't have to get angry, you just have to get out from under their dark cloud. It's their cloud so just let them have it and hope while they're all alone they'll yank out the burr they shoved up their own ass. If asked why you're leaving simply explain you don't like the negative energy. I can almost bet, if my daughter can manage to do this, there will be more kids doing the same, leaving the burr stuffed asses to themselves. I know it's easier said than done but I hope she can find the courage to walk away and the inner strength to calmly explain why she is not going to get sucked into their vortex of negative energy. 

Now I have to start practicing what I preach.        


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