April 13, 2011

Damn Amazing!

I, thee Incidental Genius, survived one crazy ass day of go-go-go!. As I sit hear composing my thoughts I realize I'm pretty damn amazing. Yep, that's right. The voice in my head just told me so. I know that sounds incredibly cocky but fuck it. It feels good to feel amazing instead of guilty, tired, lazy, disappointed, sick, worried, sad, angry, (add any self destructive adjective here:__________). 

I learned a very important lesson today. Actually it's an old lesson but I seem to forget it a lot. The lesson is this: PANIC AND WORRY IS PARALYZING! Yes, I just screamed that. Oh, and another thing. Racing through every day too fast forces your brain to ooze out of your skull which inhibits you to think.

By moving panic and worry out of my brain I was able to walk, not run, through my day. My brain didn't go splat on the floor and all the wires and gears were perfectly engaged. Kids got to school on time, even with a hint of a smile on their faces. I got to my first job, then to my second job were I had back to back rolls to play...a turpentine drinking diarrhea patient then a patient with back pain. After that it was homework hour with the girl, dinner, a wee bit of freelance work, then some downtime web surfing where I found this!

That's Polish gymnast Leszek Blanik and he's pretty darn amazing too! In some ways I feel my day was like Blanik's performance...steady, flawless and executed with great precision.

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