May 4, 2011

"Elimination Of Non-essentials" - Lin Yutang

I'm a fan of the Chopra Center on facebook and today I was lucky enough to sign in at just the right time to see the Chopra Center status update. It was a quote and that quote has stuck with me all evening. 
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials." ~ Lin Yutang
I love this quote. And after researching who Lin Yutang is I love him now too. Lin Yutang is the author of The Importance of Living, a book about the noble art of leaving things undone. Yutang believes the greatest happiness comes from living life with a certain amount of nonchalance and distancing yourself from outcomes and results. He thinks we would all be a hell of a lot happier if we were more like country squires and less like Wall Street bankers. Hey! I get a gold star! I'm definitely the country squire type. 
Another thing I like about Yutang's philosophy is his thoughts about humor. He feels the right perspective in life is the result of having some humor because with humor we learn to never expect too much or too little. He feels humor is what tones down our dreams to become reality. Oh goody, I might get a silver star! Well, only if the humor Yutang refers to includes sarcasm.
I'm so glad I discovered Lin Yutang's quote today. I really needed that. After the shit hole day I had yesterday I needed some words of wisdom. "Elimination of non-essentials" that's exactly what I need. I have to let go of a few things like all the crap that's accumulated in my house along with all the emotional crap a few people have dumped on me. It's not my crap anymore...I just need to keep telling myself that. 
Bye-bye crap. You're not an essential part of my life! 

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