January 22, 2011

Eve Of "Drink A Manhattan With Walt Day"

The eve of the first ever Drink A Manhattan With Walt Day has been a day of discoveries. As I prepare to celebrate my father's amazing life on the one year anniversary of his death I've found 'new' old photos and rediscovered some of my favorites. I sorted through stacks of cards, photos, yearbooks, newspaper articles and even Wittenberg College Football programs from 1946. A sizable stack of Walt history has been collected for tomorrow's laptop slideshow. At 4:00 tomorrow, friends and family will gather to toast Walt and his incredible life and I imagine he will be doing the same with my mom by his side either at that big casino in the sky or the 19th hole of that perfect golf coarse in heaven.

Age 92 and still living it up

He was quite the charming Irishman and looked pretty darn good for a 92 year old fart. Yes, I can call him old fart, that's what he called himself and always laughed when saying it.

I discovered more than just photos and family memorabilia today, I discovered how much I am like my father. I'm not the mathematical genius he was but I do love my math. And I'm not a Manhattan drinker but I have been a Manhattan soaked cherry eater since the age of 4. No, it's that those things that make us similar, it's our love for life, our willingness to donate our time and talent to help our communities, and our strong wills...some may call it being stubborn but for dad and I it's called strong will.

Join us tomorrow, near or far, at 4:00 and make toast to your father. Laugh, drink and be merry, tell stories from days gone by and enjoy life! 


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