January 23, 2011

It's A National Thing

The first Drink A Manhattan With Walt Day was a success! So much so it officially became National Drink A Manhattan With Walt Day. Friends gathered at the Hey Hey Bar and Grill in Ohio for a toast to Walt while family gathered in Arizona to drink with Walt too. I have no doubt my mom and dad shared the moment with us and enjoyed every minute of it.

The Ohio clan did encounter one small glitch today. No liqueur sales on Sunday but thankfully plenty of beer could be sold and I knew one old Irishman that loved his beer just as much as his Manhattans. We won't encounter this problem next year because the 2nd Annual National Drink A Manhattan With Walt Day will fall on Monday.

1/23/11 Ohio's National Drink A Manhattan Beer With Walt Day Celebration

There's the Ohio clan disguised to protect the innocent. Innocent? What am I thinking? There is nobody in that picture who can claim to be innocent! But they can sure claim to be incredible, loving people who lifted me up on a day that could have been very dark for me. Cheers to Walt and cheers to all of you. Not only did I learn you can't order Manhattans on Sunday, I learned just how kick ass my friends are. It's a wonderful life.  

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