January 9, 2011

It's my blog and I'll poop if I want to

Last night the family gathered in the living room for a few rounds of Mad Libs...Night Of The Living Mad Libs to be exact. Two adults, one tween and one teen Mad Libbing for a half hour left me laughing so hard it made my belly hurt. When I woke up this morning still laughing I knew I had learned something. I learned it feels awesome to be a kid, even if it's only for 30 minutes. You know what made me feel most like a kid? Poop! Poop humor is funny shit man. You don't have to be a 10 year old to appreciate some good poop humor.

There you have it. The hair on the back of my poop stood straight up. I'm laughing again just typing it. What's wrong with me? 

The poop-libbing didn't end there. I realized poop could be a noun, verb, adjective and even an adverb so I filled all the blanks for the next Mad Lib using poop.

Now I want to erase all the other Mad Libs in the tablet and fill all the blanks with poop! I love feeling like a kid!     


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