March 31, 2011

A Little TMI

I took my sick kid to see the doc today. We still don't know what the problem is but I hope we have some answers tomorrow when the lab results come back. I have to admit, I'm pretty stressed and when I'm super stressed my intestines get all bent out of shape the soupy-poopies start and when the soupy poopies start I get even more stressed. It's a vicious cycle I tell you and the best word to describe it is - shitty. What puts me on edge the most is being advised by the doctor to keep a close eye on my boy because if his condition worsens before his next appointment I need to get him to the ER asap. I'm worried but I'm trying not to show it.

Thankfully my boy has a great temperament and can crack a few jokes about the ordeal. And thankfully he trusts me and told the doctor I could stay in the examination room while he was asked a gazillion questions about sexual activity, drug use and masturbation. Yeah, that was a little uncomfortable but another thankful thing is, we have a good relationship and I'm a master of disguise. I don't think anyone detected the voice in my head saying, "Oh God, not the masturbation questions. La-la-la-la...I can't hear you, TMI!!!...Oh shit, I do hear you. Okay, just look calm. No facial expressions, no eye contact with the boy". Sheeew, we made it through the questioning. And I don't think either one of us turned too red. 

During the appointment I did learn a few things but I wouldn't dare share my new found knowledge here but I can mention a few things I learned before the appointment while we sat patiently in the waiting room.

I now know where exactly the Prostate lives. 

I always knew it lived near Colon Way but never knew Urethra River flowed through it and sat on the south brim of Bladder Lake. You can learn all sorts of things flipping through educational material laying around in a doctor's waiting room. I also learned a little bit about gout too.

That was my day. Taking care of a sick boy, realizing my many trips to the bathroom are the result of a nervous stomach, learning all about the prostate gland, and admiring my son for being such an awesome and up front kind of kid.


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