May 10, 2011

Central Ohio's Broccoli Plant Shortage

My garden is complete...kinda sorta. The veggies and herbs aren't planted but that's the easy part. The hard part was finding my last vegetable selection but as of 4:25 this afternoon, the hard part was completed. I FINALLY got my broccoli plants! Geez-O-Pete, that was not as easy as one would think. I got all my other plants on Mother's Day but the number one veggie I really, really wanted was broccoli and my favorite nursery didn't have any. The plants they did have were frost damaged and they were supposed to get another shipment in later that day. 

I went back to my favorite nursery yesterday during my lunch break and just knew I would be getting my broccoli plants but NOOOOOO, the damn shipment still didn't arrive but they were expecting it within an hour. I went back again after work and STILL no shipment. By that point I was getting pretty disappointed. I feared it would be a repeat of last year's broccoliless garden of 2010. I could not find one stink'n plant anywhere in this city. I even drove forever, way, way out into the country to discover broccoli plants were nowhere to be found. 

Finally, today after work, I got my fucking broccoli plants! It made my heart dance to hear the man with the apron say, "The broccoli is in!" He must have been looking for me because I hadn't even entered the Vegetable section when he called over to me from the Pansie section. Or maybe he just recognized me and wanted to be the first one to share the good news, knowing it would make me want to pee my pants and squeal with joy. I was able to control my bladder but the squeal of joy was uncontrollable. 

I learned that being persistent and polite can help you find the ever so rare broccoli plant in Central Ohio. Yay! Now I have to plant my babies...3 types of tomatoes including a black tomato plant, zucchini, bell peppers, sweet red peppers, eggplant, lemon thyme, basil, parsley, dill, and BROCCOLI!!!         

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