May 9, 2011

I'm Ba-aack!

I'm ba-aack!...That's what I said out loud when I sat down to write tonight. I took a little vacation from blog writing in honor of Mother's Day. The one day of the year when all mothers are celebrated turned into a 3 day event for me. I did that! I declared Mother's Day 2011 to be a weekend long celebration of ME! 

Friday night was a total wash for me. I was at work all day, then at a beautiful exhibit opening; by the time I got home after being on my feet for 12 hours my mangled toe was a mess. I soaked my feet, took a pain reliever and surrendered. I decided NOT writing a blog entry wouldn't end the world. Then I thought, "Fuck it. It's Mother's Day weekend! I deserve happy feet and a deep, pillow drooling sleep." So that's what I did.

My celebration of me on Saturday consisted of an exhibit opening I was in, another exhibit opening of a friend, sushi and canned La Choy, a Vicodin, performing surgery on my own toe...(okay, that part wasn't really a planned celebration but a necessity and the results were magnificent), asking the spouse to be a MoFo...(once again, the results were magnificent), and a wonderful night's rest. As you can see, I had some mighty fine celebrating going on so there was no time for blog writing.

Then there was Sunday. Thee day. Kids came home from their overnight at dad's and announced they were all pitching in to take me out to eat. We went to a great little mom and pop joint, had a wonderful time and a wonderful meal. The bill came and guess what? They didn't have enough money. Little did they know I was prepared to pay. I struck a deal with the kids - I pay the bill and they pitch in and pay the tip. The deal didn't end there. I also told them they could pay me back with child labor and like any good Catholic mother, I pulled out the guilt to make the offer super special. I reminded them of my mangled toe and told them about the surgery I did on it the night before. 

My kids were great. They hauled ass Sunday and got my garden bed ready for planting, cleaned out the garage, mowed, pulled weeds, hauled crap into the basement, and never complained once. Okay, they complained but not to me! Just amongst themselves. We ended our evening with ice cream at another popular mom and pop joint. We waited in line with lots of clean, well groomed folks. We on the other hand looked like an Appalachian family who just climbed out of a coal mine. I'm sure the crowd also enjoyed our chit chat about the types of tattoos the kids want and how I'll do the art for them. Yes, I think we stood out a bit but I didn't care. It was MY celebration!

So yes, I'm ba-aack. And back not even feeling guilty that I skipped three blogs. I am learning to enjoy a few things in life and it feels great!       

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