January 5, 2011

Young male hypnotized by the Today Show

I relearned something this morning. The television can put teens in a hypnotic state; numbing the senses and causing temporary paralysis. I witnessed a young male appear frozen while standing 4 feet from the picture tube holding his shoes and mouth breathing. Nothing disrupted his hypnosis, not even the plate of smeared bagels slamming on the table and a loud voice directing him to put on his shoes. Reflecting on previous tele-hypnotic encounters I infer the Today Show has the most hypnotic effect. 

This morning's phenomenon has occurred several times in the past but some how I forgot and mindlessly turned on the TV for my dose of Matt & Meredith. What was I thinking? Of all days today was not the day to have the walking dead mouth breathing in front of the TV. We all over slept and didn't have time for zombie boy to just stand in his stocking feet drooling in the kitchen, there were buses to catch! Well, I learned my lesson, no more morning TV on a school day. - Sigh

Besides RElearning something today I also wanted to learn something totally new. I'm learning how to embed a video in my post so I thought this one seemed like a good pick.  


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