February 27, 2011

Big News About Toilet Paper - NOT

I have a secret. Sometimes I catch myself thinking, "Shit, I have to write my blog tonight" or I ask myself, "How bad would it be if skipped a night?" But I sit down and write something anyway. I made a promise to myself that I would write 365 blog entries in 2011. One post a day. This is my 58th blog entry. 

I truly enjoy blogging about all the stupid shit I learn or discover everyday but I've had a few days when I feared I would hit REM sleep while typing and drool on the keyboard or hated to interrupt a really, super, busy and creatively productive project. Tonight, I was dreading my time typing out today's great discovery or some bit of knowledge I gained because I really don't have anything. Well, nothing that could make you imagine how incredibly amazing and exciting my life is. Hear it is...today's biggest discovery...drum roll please!

It takes 57 days for 2 adults, 1 tween, and 1 teen to use 36 double rolls of Cottonelle. That's some riveting ass wipe trivia! - NOT

Do I actually count how many days it takes for a family to go through toilet paper? No. I just happen to know this because my second blog entry of the year, actually, my second blog entry EVER, mentions the great deal I found on 36 rolls of TP on January 2 . As of today, all 36 of those rolls bought 57 days ago are now used and gone. That's the best I have tonight. I had no life this weekend. I worked every waking hour completing a freelance job. So there you have it.


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