March 11, 2011

Thank God My Mop Is Gone

It's gone! My mop is gone! No, not my floor mop. The damn kitchen mop is still hanging around screaming to be used and abused as I ignore its cries along with everybody else in our humble abode. No, my neglected mop is still here BUT the mop on my head is gone and that is cause for celebration! I feel like a puppy after a bath that dances and jumps and chases its tail.

It's amazing how a few simple life changes and some personal attention can make me dance again. Changing my pace from a sprinter to a cross country runner has done wonders for me since I made a conscious effort to change my mode of operation. I think my lenten promise has helped me more tea, or soda, or any other beverage for fourty days. It's all water all the time. I'm re-hydrating and it's great. Then today the Great Haircut Event of 2011... it's tits!!!   


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