April 25, 2011

Streaking Day

I love my part time job but it was sure nice to have the day off. My soul needed it and my daughter needed it too. We spent the day together fulfilling one of her birthday wishes...purple streaks in her hair and a new pair of jeggings. You know, leggings + jeans = jeggings.

The girl decided to skip the salon scene and have me funkafy her hair at home. I've never put purple streaks in hair before but she trusted I could do it. Boy, talk about pressure! I warned her that it could end up a disaster but she still had faith I could do it...so dying streaks of purple is what I did. Well, sort of.

The one thing I learned today was hair needs bleached before applying any wacky color. Seems like I should have known that already but I didn't. So the bleaching was a success for both of us. Yes, I decided to bleach a few streaks on my head too. I hated to see the hair bleach go to waste. The next step was applying the purple dye on the girl's bleached streaks and that went well too, except the dye dried blue, not purple. 

My girl is such a sweet thing. She admitted she wished the streaks were purple but she was still thrilled and within minutes fell in love with her stripes of blue. And I too am thrilled with my bleached blond streaks. I'm also thrilled to have a happy girl with a birthday wish that came true.


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