May 11, 2011

Planting BS

Early blog night tonight. I have two peanut butter pies to make, cookies to bake and some business to catch up on. 

I planted my garden tonight! It wasn't until I pulled my plants out of the cardboard carrying tray I realized I had Brussels Sprouts to plant. I totally forgot I had gotten them on M-day. I have no idea what to expect with my BS plant but I'm super excited about the idea of having fresh Brussels Sprouts this summer...or maybe this fall. Having never grown Brussels Sprouts before I'm not sure when I can harvest my cute little green balls of savory delight. I think I have some research to do. I also have to read up on Eggplant growing too. That's another new addition this year.

Now, off to the kitchen to whip up some baked goods.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so excited when my Brussels sprouts bloomed. They look so cool! The day before I went to harvest them, they were gone! Completely chewed down to the root. (must have been delicious!) Rabbit? I dont know! I was sooo sad. They were so easy to grow too! So maybe put a ring of chicken wire around yours. Happy planting!